Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wow, how time flies.........

5 years ago my little baby girl was born, unknown to us she had a very severe birth defect.The doctors had no idea and it was a very scary time for us.
Her diaphragm was not fully formed and her lower organs grew up inside her chest, of course you have no clue that things like this even exist until you learn about them and trust me when I say the Internet is not always the best way to get your information. When she was 8 days old she had surgery at Primary Children's Hospital, where of course I lived for the next few months! I was fortunate that we lived close and I could go everyday, all day. Then I would pick up Levi at 6 or so and we would stay until 11 or 12.
The reason I am blogging about this was because yesterday we had Olivia's 5th birthday party and honestly when she was born I thought I would never see the day!
Today she is a healthy 5 year old and besides a small scar on her abdomen, you would never know of her difficult start in life.
I am so so grateful to have her, she has blessed my life in so many ways. She is a great daughter and when she wants to be, a wonderful big sister as well. ;)
She has been registered for kindergarten, and I know this transition will be harder for me than for her! I don't know what I will do without her for 3 hours out of my day! Call me a sap if you want but when you are a stay at home mom and all you do is spend every second with your kiddos, this is a big deal! To me anyway!
And now I will share the fun pictures of Olivia's 5th birthday at Kangaroo Zoo!

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