Thursday, July 30, 2009

So here I am once again apologizing for my lack of being able to post a current blog, though this time I feel I have a good excuse. As most everyone already knows I am about 4 and a half months pregnant and we are expecting a new little one the end of December or beginning of January. I am hoping for the latter, one less thing to plan around the holidays. Anyway, those who know me, know how sick I get while pregnant so while it seemed as though I fell off the face of the earth for a bit, I was really on the couch for 2 months.
I am doing better and craving things like Tropical Punch Kool-aid, yellow apples with salt on them and nachos from 7-11, it seems like everything is going smoothly!

In other news I am happy to announce that Olivia tried out for and made the Tiny Tot competition dance team! Congrats Olivia, we couldn't be prouder!

I will post other news and pics later as it is time for Krew's nap and he is having a meltdown at this very moment!