Monday, December 1, 2008


Awhile back I was posting some older pictures and I found this one of my Grandma and myself. It's so funny to think back on what was going on in my life. I was 15 and my grandma was 57. It was Christmas and because I was the oldest grandchild I had to sit on her lap too! I am so grateful that I have this picture and those wonderful memories. When she got sick I thought my life would be over if anything happened to her, now that we are going through the process and now that she is finished with the Chemo, it's a little easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I love her so very much!
A couple of weeks ago, I took some pictures of Olivia and Krew with her as well and they turned out very cute and a little silly.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Halloween 2008

A little behind on the blogging....

A little behind on the blogging....
I am going to try to be better, life gets crazy at times and so I will attempt to remember everything exciting that has happened in our lives lately. I am guessing most of the next few posts to update this blog will be about the kiddos, just because that is my world.
Not that I would have it any other way!!!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Brad!!!!!!

Yesterday was my baby brother Brad's 18TH birthday. I cannot believe it! Of course to me, he will always be that "baby brother." He is such an amazing, funny, and crazy just like me and the rest of my family. I am an overprotective sister as well as a mother, and I would trust my kids with him without question!
Of course, he is living the teenager life, so hanging out isn't as often as it used to be, but we always have the best time. It's funny to think that when Levi and began dating he was only 5 years old! Wow!
I can honestly say that if my children turn out to be even half of what he is, they will be very close to perfect! They have a good start because he spends time with them and is a very good role model! I am so proud of him and I love him so much, I hope he knows what a wonderful Brother he is to me, as well as the best Uncle a kid can have.
I could never ask for a better brother!
Love you Brad, and Happy Birthday!!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's next?????

When you become a parent, you also become a safety freak. You love your baby more than anything and you want to do everything you possibly can to ensure you have a happy, healthy, and SAFE child.
You do everything necessary to baby-proof your home, Putting up safety gates so they can't injure themselves falling up and down the stairs, putting anything toxic up high, so they don't get poisoned from the harmful chemicals, and putting plug covers on your outlets, so they don't get shocked.

So what are you supposed to do when the baby starts learning how they can get around those safety precautions that you have implemented?????

Krew is nothing like his sister....he fears nothing! His recent mischief includes trying to walk down the stairs as an adult does, getting mad when I try to help him, climbing onto the couch and jumping off, and now he has learned to pull the plug covers out.
So now I have very heavy book tape on top of the plug covers, which are in the outlet. I am wondering how long this safety measure will last.....

Whats next?????

Saturday, August 23, 2008


So Levi is going out of town tomorrow...Heading to Vegas for a convention of some kind. I am really going to miss him! I know I am such a sap!!!! I was thinking about it and realized that we have not spent more than 2 days apart since I moved back from 1998!!!!! 10 years ago! WOW!


We will celebrate our 6 year anniversary in November, but really we have been together quite a bit longer. It's crazy to think that I met him when I was 15, and the day I turn 30 (yuck!) I will have spent over half of my life with him.
I wouldn't change one single day of it!
I am so fortunate to have Levi and my precious babies!
This will be the longest time we have ever been apart and as much as I love my house, I don't like thinking I will be here by myself! Livi and Krew will be here and we will make the most of it..I know that they will miss him as much as I will....almost!

AUGUST 2007 I think it's time for a new Family picture!

We have been together through the good times, and through the worst times of our lives but that's when you realize how much you truly love a person! He is the strongest person I know......I don't know how I made it through the difficult time after Olivia was born, but I do know that I could have never done it without him!
As much as 5 whole days sounds bad, it doesn't even compare to some of our other life experiences.
Hopefully these next 5 days pass quickly!
Levi, please come home soon! And Safe!!!! I love you!

JULY 19 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Before I was a Mom.....

I came across this on the Internet and thought that it is so true!
I am so fortunate to have my babies, and I could not imagine my life without them!
This just reminds me of what I already know.....never take my family for granted.

Before I was a Mom
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed! a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache,
the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Isn't he the cutest????
Last weekend Levi let the kids run through the sprinklers in the backyard!
Too Fun!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I knew that having kids would be a great adventure, but I honestly didn't know how funny they could be!
On a daily basis they say or do something that is hilarious, actually a few things! I am thankful for them when I am having a bad day, they can change my mood in an instant!
This morning while watching "Sprout" there was a commercial break, and I noticed Olivia watching and she was very interested in what they were advertising. This is different because Olivia never pays much attention to the commercials. After a minute or so Olivia walks over to where I am feeding Krew breakfast and says "Mom, we need to get the amazing Pancake Puff pan!" I was trying not to laugh, because she was dead serious and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. She then goes on in great detail about all of the things that you can use the pan for. It was the cutest thing!
This also reminds me of a time when I left her at Gloria's house (Levi's mom) while I took Krew to a doctors appointment. When I picked her up Gloria told me that she had expressed interest in a broom she saw on an infomercial! When I asked Livi about it she said that we could use the broom instead of the vacuum. I realized that this was because she isn't too fond of the vacuum because it is loud. The perfect solution in her mind was the broom that even worked on carpet!

They say laughter is the best medicine and I am sure my grandma got her fair share when I took Olivia up to see her on Sunday. I have only taken her up there a couple of times because obviously there is not much to do in a hospital room besides get into things. My Grandma asked me to bring her up, because she missed her. (They spent a great amount of time together before my Grandma was having health issues)
So Olivia and I left Levi and Krew at home and went up to see her. Olivia thought that it was the coolest thing that my Grandma's hospital room had it's own bathroom!
After a little while I could tell Olivia was getting a little bored when she kept telling me that she had to go to the bathroom over and over. After she had gone about 3 times she told me she needed to go again. I was pretty sure she didn't need to so I asked her
Me- "Do you really need to go?"
Olivia- "Yes"
Me- "Number 1 or 2?"
Olivia looks at me and says "I think number 4 mom!"
Needless to say, my Grandma and I had a pretty good laugh.
I never knew how much fun having children would be! I assumed it would be great, and even teaching pre-school for as long as I did those kiddo's could always get me laughing! However, I think it's different when you have your own kids.
Levi and I talk throughout the day and I tell him the things we have done. He tells me the funny things Olivia says before she falls asleep (last night it was about her wanting to be a dolphin when she grew up!) we get such a kick out of watching our babies grow up. I can't imagine anything better, I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and two beautiful children!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rude Awakening!

Life has been pretty chaotic the past few weeks!
Levi took me to California for my Birthday it was so fun! We went to see a fight and caught a baseball game as well.
Angels vs. Red Sox
I was thrilled when the Angels won 11-3! Actually I am thrilled when any team beats the Red Sox!
Unfortunately we got some bad news while we were there. Of course it would happen while I was out of town!
To understand a little background is necessary.
In March of this year I was sick and had a few complications from a surgery I had in Feb. Of course my Grandma who is very supportive, watched Olivia and Krew while I went to many doctor appointments. She is one of the very few people I allow to watch my kiddo's. I know I am pretty over-protective, so it helped my recovery immensely knowing my babies were safe and didn't need to worry.
That day Olivia had asked my Grandma to build a fire. While doing that my Grandma kneeled down in such a way that her leg was injured. My Grandma thought she had pulled something and wasn't too concerned about it, she thought it would go away sooner or later. A few months go by and her leg just got worse and worse, finally after us begging she went to see a Doctor.
They discovered she had a blood clot in her leg. The Doctor said that Physical Therapy would take care of it. (I am thinking that sounds pretty crazy, but I am no Doctor) She had one session and things began going downhill quickly!
She couldn't walk and was having a hard time breathing. My aunt went over and took her to the ER.
This was the news I received on my trip.
They discovered blood clots not only in her leg but in her lungs as well. They put her on blood thinners and assumed that would take care of the clots. Not only did it not work but it actually made things worse. Her leg was so swollen and it was pretty painful for her. I knew it had to be bad when she complained, because she is pretty tough.
The Doctors had no clue as to what was going on and decided to operate to see if they could figure it out.
It wasn't good. The Doctor told us that the removed a hematoma "the size of a Volleyball!"
Last weekend we were informed that not only was it cancer but that she had another tumor in her leg that would need to be removed. That happened Saturday night.
She will now need Radiation treatments and it will be a long recovery for her. I will be there to help her in any way I can.

This has been very difficult! I guess I assumed she would be with me forever, not wanting to even think otherwise.
She has been a stable person in my life, when I have had no one else. She always gives me advice and honest advice even if it may be something I don't want to hear. When I thought things were hopeless, she reminded me that things don't stay the same forever.
My Grandma has been like a second mother, I lived with her off and on throughout my life....when my parents divorced, while going to High School. (Imagine all of the advice and help while in High School!)
I can't begin to list the many things she has done for me or sacrificed for me. All of the things she has taught me.
Now when I need her the most, she can't be there for me. She is my rock when these things happen in my life. I am very lucky to have her.
I love her so much and I think that it is my turn to take care of her now.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friends...Fireworks and FUN!!!!

Olivia turns 4!

My amazing skills as a Blogger!!!!!

Well, what a blogger I turned out to be! In my own defense, these past few months have been busy!!!!!
So I decided to post my blog with pictures from the last couple of months.
(Easy way out!!)
So I will begin with May..... Olivia turned 4 on the 17th and Krew turned one on the 22nd.
We celebrated by having Olivia's party at Kangaroo Zoo, which was actually pretty cool! I had never heard of it until Levi told me they were building it right next to his office/warehouse.
It was especially great for me because I didn't need to worry about entertaining 16 kids and their parents!!!!!
It was great! We had a lot of fun!!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Well, it's here!!!! Softball season has begun once again! You know what that means.......we will be making one or more trips to the hospital!
You think that I would be talking about my children, (and in a sense that is true!) but I am talking about my husband!
Yes, anyone who knows Levi has had a laugh or two at his expense. I can honestly say that there is another person in this world that is more accident prone than I.
I guess it was meant to be.
At one point I was able to handle his accidents like a champ, being a pre-school teacher it was the norm for me to take care of such accidents. I could even handle the occasional puking child.
My last year of teaching, I should have known I was pregnant because it was at this point when I had to have an assistant handle these instances, and I was puking right along with the kids!
The only positive thing I can say about this time in my life was that it brought me my beautiful baby girl...and I lost 30 pounds!!!!
Needless to say, I have never been able to get over these issues.
I have become the person who panics and has to leave before passing out!
I will give credit to Levi who is the paranoid over protective parent. For some reason the roles are reversed in the occasional accident. I freak out while Levi calmly deals with the situation.
I am sure it is because he has a lot of experience with injuries, stitches and poisonous spider bites!
The last softball injury occurred when running into home, and although he won't admit this, purposely sliding into the catcher. That was 10 stitches in his chin!
So now that spring is here (not totally convinced though) and softball has begun, we will find out what accidents await us this season.
Hopefully, Levi and I both being accident prone, will cancel out and this will not be passed on to our children. (unfortunately we have already had a few instances.)

We shall see....Krew is very mobile, and almost walking. I cannot believe that he will be 1 in may. I can't believe Olivia will be 4 in may either!!!!
We are currently checking out pre-schools for the fall.
I am sure I will have a harder time with it than she will, while teaching pre-school, I didn't have my children yet. I didn't fully understand how difficult this transition would be. Olivia? totally fine. Me??? a wreck!
I am hoping that finding the right pre-school will make the transition a little easier. For me!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

WoW!!!!!! Is it really April???? I do not remember where the time went......actually I don't remember much of anything lately!The past 2 months have been CRAZY!!!!!After having surgery the end of February, things kind of settled down.....for about 1 hour! I guess my family has been the lucky recipient of a bad cold! The kiddo's were swiftly taken to the Doctor, thanks in part to their paranoid mother!!!!! (praying it wasn't RSV!)You would think that after having one child, I would be more relaxed the second time around.To understand you need a little history........Olivia was born in May of 2004, we were very excited to have her, and the anticipation of seeing her beautiful face was overwhelming.While pregnant I was always fearful of something going wrong, I just wanted her to be born so that I could check her out and see that she was just perfect!I didn't realize that I would regret thinking that, and wishing I was still pregnant, before I knew what Levi and I would have to endure for the first 3 months of her life.I never saw it coming!Olivia was born with a rare birth defect called a Diaphragmatic Hernia.Interpreted it means she had a hole in her diaphragm where some of her lower organs moved into her chest, causing her left lung to be under developed and putting pressure on her Heart. If that wasn't bad enough, she also had 2 holes in her heart.I never dreamed that I would be leaving the hospital without my precious baby. 8 days after she was born, she was life flighted to Primary Children's hospital. There she would undergo surgery to repair her diaphragm and put her organs where they should have been.Unfortunately, Levi and I did not realize how bad this was until we researched it on the Internet. BIG MISTAKE.We discovered that this birth defect had a 10 % survival rate. We were heartbroken. The day after she arrived at Primary Children's she had surgery....this was the longest few hours of my life!They repaired the diaphragm and over the next few weeks she gradually improved. Then she was finally able to come home!!!!It wasn't until a few weeks later that I realized just how bad this could have been. Another baby in the NICU at Primary Children's had the same birth defect as Olivia. It had been 4 weeks since we brought her home and while reading the newspaper I discovered that the other baby didn't make it. It sunk in that it could have been us. I felt so very lucky and vowed never to take anything for granted.This being our first child, and with her being so ill, we went crazy!The Doctors warned us that if she got sick, it would be harder for her to get over it, than a typical child would. That's all we needed!I am sure we went a little overboard but I can say now that she did not get sick!!!!! It also could have been the 6 100$ RSV shots the doctor wanted her to have. The shots couldn't prevent the RSV, but if she got it, it wouldn't be as severe.We were soooo over protective that she never got sick.So 2 nights ago, when Krew had a fever of 103 we panicked! Yes this was my second child, but this was something I never had to deal with before.In fact for the first 3 months of Krews life, it was like having that first baby. Everything was different.The pediatrician got a call about 2 or 3 in the morning! But she understood what we went through in the hospital with Olivia, and was kind enough to tell us it was a good reason to call her and not to worry about it.I love our pediatrician!!!!!So, Because we have all been ill, my small worry turns into huge paranoia! The babies are doing OK, and will hopefully have a speedy recovery.On a lighter note, my daughter witnessed a miracle!While looking out of our back doors, I heard a gasp, followed by "It's a miracle!" I asked her "Olivia, what is the miracle?"She looks up at me and exclaims "The sky is leaking!" (Rain of course!)She probably says at least 5-6 things a day that make me laugh!We are so lucky to be her parents, and Krew's as well!

Monday, February 25, 2008


OK, well just thought I would post something about why I have not posted anything recently. I had a kidney stone for 3 weeks, finally I had to have surgery to remove it. It was horrible, and even though I have had the surgery was especially worse this time!!!
I can honestly say I would rather have a baby and be in labor than have kidney stone surgery. For anyone who knows about this and has gone through have my deepest simpathy!!!!!!
I am better now however, and am trying to turn my house back into its previous state. When Mom is sick, the house goes to shambles!!!!
I hope everyone else is doing well!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


This year for Valentines Day, Levi bought me tickets to UFC 81! I am very excited! I am probably one in a few women who appreciates this gift. Levi knows this because he has bought me fight tickets for christmas and also twice for my birthday! We always have such a great time when we go, even though we have been to Vegas quite a bit in the last 3 years, there is always something new to see.
It is a good thing that we are not staying at the Monte Carlo, as it was on fire a few days ago!
We will have a great time, we always do. I of course will be driving because, not only will we get there faster, but we will "Arrive Alive" as Levi says...he tends to fall asleep on long car trips.
So we will be heading off to Vegas in a few days..... can't wait!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Yes, I finally joined the Blog bandwagon!!!
We are doing well, and the kids are also. It has been great seeing a few people on the Net, that I haven't seen since high school. I love seeing familiar faces! I am also excited to see how people have changed over the years.
I can hardly believe we graduated 10 years ago!!!! I just think that it is CRAZY!!! I am very excited for our reunion!